Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's finally gone

After months of saying we need to get rid of Cael's binky it's finally gone. We cut two of them and were on to the last binky. It was being used for nap and bed time and anytime that Caellum just needed a little extra comfort. through no magic of our own the last one is gone. Cael lost it and Ryan and I have searched this house like crazy. He went to bed last night without it and i have been searching on and off today and can't find it anywhere. Caellum is now down for his nap without it and now I think if we do find it we will have to throw it away and never let him know about it. We wanted it gone before we come to Utah so I guess fate has stepped in and made the decision for us. I have to say I will probably never let a kid get this hooked again. Javin never used one but Caellum kind of needed it. Anyway, it's gone
On a fun note Cael and I went to Javin's school to eat lunch with him today. He was so excited to see us and couldn't stop jumping up and down and giving me hugs. I love how excited he gets about things. and I probably should cherish the fact that he's so excited to see me and doesn't care who sees him giving his mommy a hug and kiss. It was fun and Caellum loved being at school.

1 comment:

Pedersen Posse said...

Hip hip hooray! It's such a happy day when the binky is out of your life. Although there are still moments when I wish I had one to plug up Charlotte's loud cry. :) She was our binky baby and I had as hard of a time getting rid of it as she did. Our house was a lot noisier binkyless. :)