Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Javin has a tooth growing in behind one of his front baby ones. We've been calling him monster and have been glad that he's going to the dentist on Friday for a checkup so that he can look at it. Because he has a permanent one coming in I was telling him that if the dentist decides to pull the tooth in front of it we can put it under his pillow and the tooth fairy will come. I didn't mention how much money she brings because I swear Jeffrey and Zander get like 5 dollars for every tooth and Javin will probably get like a quarter or something. Anway, on the way home from school yesterday Javin was telling me that his tooth hurt and it was wiggling. Luckily it's the one in front of the tooth coming in, so I told him that if it's loose and has a tooth behind it the dentist probably will pull the one in front. He then said "So if the dentist takes it out the tooth fairy will smell it and bring me something?" I thought it was funny but I guess how else does the tooth fairy know you lost a tooth if she doesn't smell it.

1 comment:

Gina said...

What cute pics of the kids! I just can't get over cael..he's so big! I think he looks like a cross between javin [duh]and Jeffrey. He is so beautiful Shan! I know you are getting baby hungry, I just hope we get some more girls in the family, and I think your girl would be so pretty. :-)