Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We got through the first week of school. Things Javin loves: eating lunch at school (They even have pink milk and a brownie), riding the bus home (he doesn't have to wear a seat belt) and Gym because he doesn't have to sit still. Things he hates: Sitting, and not talking. Since that pretty much encompasses what is expected at school there is a little problem. However, it's totally good for him to learn to do this and he is getting better at it. Also, I've noticed that when he talks he isn't yelling as much. I think he's learning to talk in a quiet voice. Caellum hardly ever gets his binki anymore and he's talking tons more. He is so funny. He just chats away and is always trying to say new words. Javin loves to get him to say silly things like peacock and you know whatever else he can think of. He still cries every morning when we drop Javin off and he gets so excited to see the bus come home at the end of the day (although he thinks he needs to get on it and go for a ride too) I am totally baby hungry and would love to have another one soon but I think it's been determined that we will wait until we get back to Utah because I just love our doctors there and hate the army ones. I'm horrible with pictures but love to see all of yours. Also, for any of you that know him, Joe Rowe is in our ward here (I went to Jr high and high school with him) and I conned him into playing the violin for our primary program. Bet he never thought he'd move all the way to Georgia and run into someone who knows all about his musical accomplishments. Have to say, I'm glad he's here to do it for me. Anyway, I'll try to get more pictures and post them soon.


BWei said...

Congrats on Caellum and the binky--and I'm glad that Javin is settling in to school. I am sure he's not the only kid who only likes recess and lunch! :-)

ginamariejp said...

i want to see my jav getting on the bus - hurry!!!

miss and love u guys

Gina said...

thanks for recommending that store..way better then the one in AF..I guess its a chain and they have one here in town..WOWZA!


Ilove and miss you guys!

Pedersen Posse said...

Your kids are so cute! Where did you come up with the name Caellum? Looks like you are staying busy. How do you like GA? How long have you been there?

Once you get going on the role playing games you'll get hooked. I swear they are addicting. :)