So, I guess I have some explaining by way of our address. The goat and mouse are what Ryan has called Javin and Caellum from birth. He has this thing with nicknames and Javin has always been goat because of the way he laughed. Ryan has always called him that. Then when Caellum was born he squeaked all the time so Ry took to calling him Mouse hence, goat and mouse. I figured it would be unique enough that no one would have already chosen it. Anyway, I still have to figure out the picture thing and thanks to those of you who have given me some insight. I need all that I can get. This week has been different for me because i had to work Sunday because of some tax free business and then i don't work again until Friday. It's been crazy being at home every night with the family and I forgot how much i liked that. Anyway, Javin's open house for school is tomorrow night and needless to say I guess I'm the worried mother because I can't believe he's going. I'm trying to be all excited because he is but I'm a little nervous for the kids. Hope it goes well.
The picture is just a random one from Myrle Beach last October. Just thought it was funny and wanted to see if I could get the picture thing right.
Hey Guys, I heard you had a blog so I thought I'd check it out. It's cute! By the way your the second to last person to start a Blog because Matt and I haven't yet, but we're in the process we'll let you know when it's up and running. I'm excited to be able to stay in touch better. It was great to see you guys in California, that trip went by way to fast! Hopefully all is well and we'll keep in touch.
So Alicia told me you had a blog and I decided to check it out. You can look at ours but I still don't really know what I'm doing so it's nothing spectacular
SHAN!!! SHANNY SHAN SHAN SHAN!!!! Oh how I've missed you! How are you? I'm so happy to see you have a blog. I'm totally going to be checkin in on you to keep updated. Did you see Marcie's blog from mine? HOORAY!
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