Tuesday, August 19, 2008
We got through the first week of school. Things Javin loves: eating lunch at school (They even have pink milk and a brownie), riding the bus home (he doesn't have to wear a seat belt) and Gym because he doesn't have to sit still. Things he hates: Sitting, and not talking. Since that pretty much encompasses what is expected at school there is a little problem. However, it's totally good for him to learn to do this and he is getting better at it. Also, I've noticed that when he talks he isn't yelling as much. I think he's learning to talk in a quiet voice. Caellum hardly ever gets his binki anymore and he's talking tons more. He is so funny. He just chats away and is always trying to say new words. Javin loves to get him to say silly things like peacock and you know whatever else he can think of. He still cries every morning when we drop Javin off and he gets so excited to see the bus come home at the end of the day (although he thinks he needs to get on it and go for a ride too) I am totally baby hungry and would love to have another one soon but I think it's been determined that we will wait until we get back to Utah because I just love our doctors there and hate the army ones. I'm horrible with pictures but love to see all of yours. Also, for any of you that know him, Joe Rowe is in our ward here (I went to Jr high and high school with him) and I conned him into playing the violin for our primary program. Bet he never thought he'd move all the way to Georgia and run into someone who knows all about his musical accomplishments. Have to say, I'm glad he's here to do it for me. Anyway, I'll try to get more pictures and post them soon.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
So, Javin is officially in school. I think he likes it but he says he doesn't really because all he has to do is sit sit sit. For those of you know him, this is a very hard task. The boy can never sit still. Anyway, we are zoned to have him bussed but I've been taking him and picking him up because you know he's my first in school and I'm worried about him. I finally consented to let him ride the bus home today and he was so excited. I will still take him to school because in order to catch the bus we'd have to leave at 7:30 and school doesn't start until 8:30. It's much easier to get us all ready at the later time. Here in Georgia kindergarten is all day long so he doesn't get out until 3:15 and then I work nights so it doesn't leave much time to see him. I'm going to ask for less days so that I can see the kid more. Caellum cries every morning when i drop Javin off and my days are so much quieter. Cael hardly says anything and I'm so used to Javin (who never shuts up) that the silence is a little unnerving. Anyway, maybe Cael will start talking more because I think he misses the craziness too. Well, I'll try to remember to take my camera to the bus stop and take a picture of Javin getting off but it's been raining all day so we'll see how that goes. We love you .
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

So, I guess I have some explaining by way of our address. The goat and mouse are what Ryan has called Javin and Caellum from birth. He has this thing with nicknames and Javin has always been goat because of the way he laughed. Ryan has always called him that. Then when Caellum was born he squeaked all the time so Ry took to calling him Mouse hence, goat and mouse. I figured it would be unique enough that no one would have already chosen it. Anyway, I still have to figure out the picture thing and thanks to those of you who have given me some insight. I need all that I can get. This week has been different for me because i had to work Sunday because of some tax free business and then i don't work again until Friday. It's been crazy being at home every night with the family and I forgot how much i liked that. Anyway, Javin's open house for school is tomorrow night and needless to say I guess I'm the worried mother because I can't believe he's going. I'm trying to be all excited because he is but I'm a little nervous for the kids. Hope it goes well.
The picture is just a random one from Myrle Beach last October. Just thought it was funny and wanted to see if I could get the picture thing right.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I guess I am the only one in the world not blogging so I figured I better get in on the action. I'm new at this and a little computer illiterate so please bear with me in my attempts to share our family with all of you who now live so far away from us. I swear you should just move with us everytime we do so that we can just always see you. But, since you choose to stay where you are we thought it would be a good idea to have a place where you could see how much our family keeps growing and changing.
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