Monday, January 9, 2012

So Many Changes

The last time I posted Ryan was on his way home. Well, he's home now!! He got home on Sept 8th and then my grandma passed away on the 9th. I was so glad to have him home to support me and help with the kids. We stayed at my parents for awhile deciding the next course of action. We ended up deciding to stay in Utah and Ryan took a job with the Utah National Guard and is currently learning another language. We then bought a house in Lehi and moved here the first of November. Everybody has adjusted well to the new house, schools and jobs. We all loved being near both families for the Holidays and espeically Caellum's birthday. This new year should be a lot of fun and work. We have a yard to install and boxes to still put away and the baby will be here in June. Javin wants another baby brother to play with and Cael says we should have a girl. So, we'll find out the first of February which one will be getting their wish. I'm sure either way will be a huge adjustment for Zadek who is a crazy momma's boy. I'll post again soon with pictures because really that's why anyone really looks at our blog is for crazy pictures of the kids.


Pedersen Posse said...

Congrats on the home and new baby! Hope pregnancy is treating you well.

Laura said...

I didn't know you guys were expecting! Congrats! Glad you're enjoying Utah!

Winn Family said...

Ahhh--you moved to Lehi and bought a house and you're pregnant! Woo woo! I'm back in the paying attention game! Congrats on the new baby news. Can't wait to find out what you're having!!!