Just chillin
So, we just got back from Utah where Zadek turned two months old. I couldn't find my camera before we left so I took a bunch of pictures on my mom's camera an forgot to upload them. But, I did get some new kiddie kandid ones. Anyway, today we took Zadek in for his 2 month check. Here are the stats
Height: 24 in 80%
Weight: 13pounds 3 oz 84%
I think he was actually a little taller. We've had issues with different nurses and how they do things. I have had to go to putting him in 6 month jammies because he is so stinkin tall.
Javin's own pose
What cute boys Shan! I love the two of Zadek. Did you have a good visit in Utah?
Such cute pictures!
What handsome boys!
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