Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Green Patrick's Day

Cael helped me pick out decorations for our Green Patrick"s day party (that's what he kept calling it) We made split pea soup, had green salad with green veggies, I got lime sherbet and sprite and then sugar cookies and gold treasures.

I found these ties at Target and they both insisted on wearing them all day long. Every body made a fuss over Cael all day and Javin said that all the kids at school liked it. Hope everybody had a fun holiday..


Pedersen Posse said...

How fun!

BWei said...

Wow--That's impressive. The boys are so big! I'm glad we can keep in touch through our blogs...keep the updates coming!

Laura said...

SO festive! Love it! (This is Ryan's cousin, Laura, btw.)

Chris said...

I love it! You make everything so much fun. They boys and the decorations look great, and the food sounds fabulous. I'm excited to see you this weekend.