Tuesday, November 11, 2008

School's out

I'm so retarded I just created this post and published it and then realized I'd put it on the wrong blog. So, it will be posted both places. Javin's out of shool today and it's been so nice to have him home to play with Caellum and help with the chores. We're washing every single blanket and all of our bedding today and trying to sterilize the house so that we don't all get daddy's sickness. We may bathe the animals today too but that's only if I get really ambitious. I like having the kids home with me during the day especially when I have to work at night. This way I'll get to see Javin so much more today. We're also working on his piano skills. He's been wanting to do more every day. I realized that other day that it's been forever since I've played the piano so I got out some of my music the other night and I stink!! I have lost so much of what I used to have. I guess I'm going to need to start practicing more. I also think it's interesting that in almost every place we've lived I've had a piano calling in the ward and that has helped me keep up with the skill but now that I'm leading music and not playing I haven't really been playing at home either. I love to play so I need to start again!!


Pedersen Posse said...

I had seen your posts about Javin's teeth. Were his teeth that far behind? Did his new teeth grow all the way in before his baby teeth fell out? It just seems like Sydney's teeth are really far behind and I can't see how they'll make her baby teeth fall out.

It is nice to know that my kid isn't a freak. I love how you call it monster teeth. :)

Pedersen Posse said...

Thanks Shan. Sorry I keep posting this conversation on your blog, but I don't have your email address. This is the next best thing. :)