Thursday, October 16, 2008

So Gina tagged me and I'm supposed to write six insignificant things about myself, which I will do at the end of this post. Ryan and I went to Javin's first parent/teacher conference today and his teacher says he is very smart (of course we knew) and that he is doing really well. We asked about his behavior because the boy has so much energy and she says he is doing great there as well. For those of you who know about the stickers Javin got up to 18 before getting a yellow again. We were so sad because at 20 we were going to do something totally cool (don't ask what yet) but we thought it should be awesome because it's a huge accomplishment. Anyway, he's started over and is only at one again. Caellum came with us to the conference and was great and I took him to story time and lunch the other day and he is so good. My only concern with him is how shy he seems to be but hopefully he'll grow out of it a little bit.

At Javin's last baseball game he got to be the catcher. He has been wanting to be catcher since the beginning of the season because you get to catch the ball after every play and at the end of the batters you actually get to get people out. He thought it was awesome and I wish we'd had our camera so you could see how he looked in the catcher's helmet.

We're going tonight to get costumes and to Boo at the Zoo on Saturday so I'll take pictures and get them on here.

OK for my 6 insignificant things
1. My favorite time of the year is the fall. I love the changing weather and the changing leaves. I love the colors and everything about it. It's seriously the greatest time of year
2. I love to wear layers of clothing. I really like to have on long pants and long sleeve shirts and just be completely covered. Weird I know but it's just how I am
3. I love watching Caellum walk the dog. It's my favorite times of the day she's the perfect size for his little body. It's totally cute
4. I get stuck in ruts a lot. So I totally have to try and break myself out of them and do something totally new. It's why I like adventurous friends who keep me always going because sometimes I'd be content to never leave the house
5. Being a mom is the greatest thing ever and I love having so many great friends and family members who are great mom's because it's something that I need to be constantly improving.
6. I'm hooked on People magazine. After living with mom for so long and always reading hers I can't pass one up!

I'm not going to tag anyone but if you want to put yours up I'd love to read about your insignificant things too.


Gina said...

i miss the people magazines!! Brandon won't let me get a subscription lol. Fill out your absentee ballot with this: o-b-a-m-a :0)

The Gardners said...

18 greens that's impressive! We had the same type of thing going for Chase but we did it for every 5 in a row (Which was hard enough, we would have had a cow if he got 18 in a row)I can picture Caellum walking the dog that does sound cute!

The Gardners said...

hey guys, I decided to go private with my blog I need your email adress so I can send you a link. My email is

Gina said...

Put the pics up!
also, Happy almost birthday. I have the brain of mush, and will give you 29? birthday punches next time I honor you with my presence. we'll drive down to Springville and I'll buy ya a little somethin somethin.

The Gardners said...

Hey are you guys going to email me or what? Just kidding! Happy Birthday Shantell!

Amy said...

I love reading the stories about your boys. They sound so smart and SO funny. No surprise there. Glad your primary program went well.

Happy Birthday...a little late!

Gina said...

How was your birthday? I'm sorry we didn't call. I told your brother to, and since when does brandon ever do anything you tell him to?