Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Senedra's 2 month stats

Can you believe she's 2 months old?!?  
Time has sure flown.  We went to Senedra's 2 month well visit and she is definately growing!  Sometimes I look at her and tell her to stop and then I remember that she has her sad heart and I actually need her to grow because if she stops it's a bad sign.  Well, she's still growing that's for sure!!
So here are her stats:

Weight:  11 pounds 8 oz    67%
Length:  23.5 inches   87%
Head:  39 cm    56%

She's so stinking cute.  


These are the times we say cheese or do we..........

 Zadek had to get in on the picture taking.  Don't you love that he has a phone instead of a camera.  Also I love the picture of Senedra here she's too busy watching Zadek right next to her to look at me..
 And a random FROWN

Javin's 9

I can't believe Javin is 9!!  Javin is such a fun kid.  He is making jokes all the time.  He is so helpful with his younger brothers and sister.  He always wants to help me!!  Javin is becoming a great reader and loves to read.  He also has been biking a lot lately.  One of his favorite things to do is play video games and he also loves playing with his friends.  We're so lucky to have such a good kid and we love you Javin!!