Senedra went in for her 2 week appointment. Here are her stats:
Height: 21.5 inches. 85 %
Weight: 9 pounds 5 oz 76%
Head: 36cm 44%
So they like them to be back up to their birth rate by the time that they come to their 2 week appointment and we more than surpassed that expectation. She is definitely eating and growing:)

While at her appointment the Dr said "Did they tell you in the hospital that she has a heart murmur?" No. no they did not. News to me. They ended up keeping me at the Dr. for quite awhile, while they took vitals and determined whether or not I would be going to see a pediatric cardiologist or the hospital. Her vitals came back OK so I ended up being referred to a specialist. We went the next day to the specialist where they performed multiple tests and determined that she has VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect) It needs to be closed. Because of the size of the hole in her heart the Dr couldn't tell us if it would close on it's own or if she'd need surgery. For now we have a list of symptoms to watch for and another appointment in a month. Best case scenario: Hole closes on it's own and we're good to go. Worst case scenario: The hole doesn't close, she needs medications and then at 6 months or so they do open heart surgery to close the hole. For now, we watch and wait. Poor little girl!