Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So this pregnancy I have just been convinced that we are having another boy. The entire time I'd actually been calling the baby him. I've never done that before. I even decided that we didn't need to even find out this pregnancy we could just wait until he was born that's how sure I was. Then Ryan and I decided we should look at girl names just in case and then the arguing began. So, finally I decided rather than argue about it since it was going to be a boy anyway, we should just go find out. So to the mall we went. And guess what. GIRL!!! I don't think we really believed the tech and Ryan who has to make sure of things (I usually have to take 3 pregnancy tests before he believes it) asks how sure are you. So the tech looks from many angles. First he says I'm %100 sure. Then he keeps looking and by the end says I am %300 sure that this is a girl. He keeps saying aren't you excited but I think we were just both in shock and I kept calling her a him for a few more days. So at my last Dr. appointment I was 19 weeks and asked if they could peek at the gender for me and I was fully expecting them to say boy but she was still a girl. So we're adding a sweet little girl to the ranks of all things boy. This crazy house is either going to kill her or turn a little gentler to make room for a girl. I kind of think she's going to have a rough go of it and will need to learn to defend herself from the the flying balls, swords, and so forth fast if she plans on surviving.
Anyway, we're excited and I'm excited to pick out little girl clothes.