Javin's second grade class just finished a science unit on insects and to cap it off they all dressed as bugs and are having a bug ball this afternoon. He is obviously a praying mantis. Good thing we had a dad home to help put it all together.

This is Zadek trying to sit up in his car seat and look up the stairs in the school. He always wants to sit instead of lay back.

Caellum had to wear a costume today too since Javin was and this is what he did while we waited for the parade.

Pictures before school.

This was him coming off the stage. They had the kids parade into the room and then the classes took turns going up on stage to sing their songs about Halloween. I didn't really get a great picture because the baby was screaming and whilst holding screaming baby it's hard to take good pictures with left hand. Oh well..

Caellum's preschool had a Fall Festival that Zadek and I went to and helped. They had pumpkin bowling, an apple toss, balloon decorating, tattoos, and golf. He had tons of fun and I'm so glad he's in preschool this year to take part in festivities.