So today was a beautiful day and a friend of mine recently told me of this awesome park that is about 20 minutes away from our house. Since Javin is home from school and we have no dad around I figured we could kill the day by playing at the park. It is on two acres and has 4 different themed playgrounds on it. Here are the boys getting caught.

On this course they have a raceway set up and so the boys of course had to run and race.
Here they are just getting to the park and climbing. Caellum is such a great climber I've always been impressed with his skills. Javin is too of course but he has three years on Cael.

We got to the park and there were so many people there that we actually had to park across the street and up quite a way even to get there. I'll be excited to take them back when it's not Spring Break and see if there are fewer kids but they had tons of fun and want to go back tomorrow.
Here we have Ryan's last day here. We took him to the airport and found out that since the flight was run by the Air Force we could get family boarding passes to go through security and to the gate with him. IT was nice that we got to see him up until the end.
My parents were here because they had already scheduled time to come and see us for Spring Break and it was nice to have their help with the kids at the airport.
I took the opportunity to take some flattering picture right after security. When we were getting Ryan's seat assignment it was just he and I at the airport and the lady looked at my humongous belly and then asked Ryan how long he was going to be gone. When he said 4 months you should have seen the look she gave him. If looks could kill he wouldn't be here anymore. HAHA I said you know maybe on my first child I'd be a little upset but by the third it's kind of like just make sure you are there at the hospital I can handle the rest by myself. Anyway, it made me laugh.
You can't tell that the boys had had a long day and were pretty much done by this point can you.?!? As the plane started to board it called for officers first followed by anyone ranked E-15 or higher and then they started boarding by row number. Ryan was in row 22 and they started with 1-14 and 35 and above. This took a long time and we were joking how Ryan was going to be the last person on the plane. When they called for the next number they called for 14-20. Next came, 25 and higher. We all started laughing because Ryan literally ended up as the last person on the plane.
Here he is getting on. He told me he wasn't going to turn around but I got a pretty good one anyway. We'll sure miss him but we've already talked to him on the web cam twice and once on the phone. Good thing for modern technology.
Here's a shot of Grandpa and the kids during Spring Break
Here are a couple of shots from the National Zoo a couple of weekends ago. We knew this was going to be the last warm Saturday before Ryan left so we headed to the metro and downtown to see the National Zoo with Grandma and Papa Thompson. The kids had a ton of fun. Caellum has always loved zoos and Javin not so much but this time he stopped to read every sign and was excited to find the male and female of each thing he spotted. It was lots of fun followed by a yummy dinner of Thai food.

We've had a great time since the weather has started warming up and can't wait to play some more.