So, the federal government has shut down. Schools are canceled. The metro is closed and busses aren't running. Even our 4 wheel drive SUB got stuck in the snow in our neighborhood. Where the heck do we live. Alaska. NOPE Virginia. Crazy!!! Over the weekend we got about 30 inches of snow. Which is really pretty and tons of fun, but not when the place you live isn't used to getting snow. They were prediciting that it would take them 6 days to clear the main roads and the metro is completely covered in snow. Ryan and Javin both had yesterday off and it hadn't snowed since Saturday night so we ventured out to get out of the house. The sun was shining, all of the snow on and around our cars was gone, we have a vehicle with 4 wheel drive we can totally get around right?!? WRONG> Our neighborhood hasn't been cleared and there is only enough room on the road for one car at a time. After going to lunch and the grocery store we were on our way home and another car was coming so Ryan scooted over to let him pass and then we were stuck. WE were lucky that a tractor came by after about 10 minutes and helped dig us out. The roads were really bad and after being out and about I can totally see why school buses aren't out in this. The real cincher is that today and tomorrow we are supposed to get another 10 to 12 inches more. They haven't even cleared off the other storm yet. Crazy snow. At this rate with all of the snow days the kids last day of school which is already June 22 is going to be even longer into the summer. Fun to not have to go to school now, sad that we aren't really going to be getting a summer break. Ryan has loved being home and not going to work. He is home again today. So, we are going to go to Dicks Sporting Goods today to see if we can track down some tubes because apparently the golf course that we live on has some amazing tubing hills. I love getting all of this snow it's beautiful and fun but too bad they don't really have the resources to clear it all. The state spent their entire snow removal budget for the year on the storm back in December. Luckily we weren't in the areas that have been without power since Friday. So glad to have power. Also, I still haven't found my camera since our trip to Utah at Christmas so if I find it soon I'll take some pictures of all of this crazy snow!!!