Monday, December 21, 2009


We had a huge winter storm this weekend. I think they officially called it a blizzard warning and our state was in a state of emergency. I believe we got around 21 inches of snow in a 24 hr time frame. The plows couldn't keep up and yesterday we got to dig ourselves out. Church was cancelled. Ry's work got cancelled today and they cancelled school for the rest of the week. We thought it was tons of fun and nothing compared to Utah but here it's a big deal. Here are some of our pictures from all of this snow.

These first ones are form Saturday during the day so before the snow had finished.
Ryan thought it was super fun to throw the kids in the snow. Javin did a snow angel. I think Ryan did a face plant but sadly I didn't get that picture I was up getting Cael nice and warm everyone ask papa if you can see it!!
By this point Javin was in tears because he was so cold. We don't have winter clothes.
Just one on the deck to see how much there is
Both boys were so cold after this. A Little bit later Ryan threw both the dog and the cat out there just to get a reaction. Needless to say they hated it.
Papa's car was totally buried.
The digging out of our car on Saturday. We had to run a few errands At this point it had only been snowing for a little while so it wasn't such hard digging.
Sunday the sun was shining and the day was beautiful. My camera died so I didn't get very many pictures to show just how much snow was on the cars. The entire neighborhood was out digging themselves out and enjoying the beautiful snowy weather.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Snow Fun!!

Who can believe Cael is actually 3. He is getting so stinking big. He was really funny because he thought that now that he was three he had to give up all of the toys that were his when he was two. I had to talk him into keeping all of his toys.

Cael wanted to help decorate so after his nap he helped me blow up balloons and cut crepe paper. Daddy came home early to put it all up. I think he did a great job!
Javin really got into the heavy heavy hang over tradition.
More decorations! I think it's the most we've ever had.
On Saturday we got up to SNOW!! YEAH!! IT's been quite a few years since we've lived where it snows. We went to get our Christmas tree in it. These are the kids roasting marshmallows at the tree lot.
The kids, especially Javin, were so excited to throw snowballs. Javin almost hit Santa with a snowball. I wonder if he would be getting Christmas this year if he'd actually hit him!?!

Even daddy had to get in on the snowball fight. This is me getting mine for trying to take a picture of him!!

This one is on our way to get the tree. I let the kids play for awhile first they were so excited.
We got our decorations up and have been enjoying that its Christmas time because of the snow.