So, We
officially started potty training the other day and here how it's been going. First day: We went though 7 pairs of underwear and mom was very excited to be working so that I could leave and let dad do the rest of the potty training. But, right before I left,
Cael finally used the potty instead of his clothes. Day 2: Wake up take off diaper and he
immediately goes in the potty and we put underwear on!
Success. I had to do many errands and was all set with change of clothes a diaper wipes and towel on the
car seat and guess what!!
Caellum went potty in 3 different stores and didn't have one single accident while we were out. You can't catch everything though and we ended up going through 2 pairs of underwear. So far today we've had 2 changes of underwear and mostly success with the potty. I have to say though, I'm always grateful when bedtime rolls around and I can stick that diaper back on him. Last night I was rocking him and we were talking about what a good job he was doing and he says "I potty again mommy" and I'm like you want to go right now and he says yes so we go into the bathroom take off the diaper and he uses the potty and then puts his diaper back on and goes to bed. I really thought on that first day that he would NEVER get it but he's doing much better and is starting to really get it.
IT's so frustrating because with
Javin it was like he had one accident. Realized he wasn't supposed to get his clothes wet and we never had an accident again. He was just like oh that's what it feels like to not have a diaper and he was potty trained.
Cael is more of a trial and error, error, error, type learner. I guess I needed to learn patience!
But, he is doing AWESOME and loves getting those potty treats!