Cael got a batman mask from Santa and so he's been pretty much wearing it nonstop. We have to call him batman when he's wearing it and then he'll take it off and say "me" so we know we can call him Caellum again. In this picture Javin thought it would be fun to wear Cael's mask from Christmas so they could both be Batman and fight the bad guys.

Cael is quite the drummer. Usually he sits in daddy's lap but in this picture I was cooking (which pretty much sums up my Christmas day) and everyone else was downstairs. Cael climbed right up and decided to drum by himself

I think my lemon meringue could almost rival mom's I was so proud!!

Everyone opening presents. Looks like Amira even got in on the action

Javin was so excited to go downstairs and just couldn't wait. Notice the batman stocking.

Our tree was really pretty this year. It was even more pretty before Javin decided to put the "snow" on it. All of the green fuzz is from a cushion on our folding chair that was coming apart. Caellum and Javin loved putting it on the tree and I figured what could it hurt.
For those of you who are wondering about New Years. We all ended up in bed about 8. We told Javin he could stay up so I went to lay down with Cael and fell asleep. At 10 Ryan came to wake me and told me he was going to carry Javin up to bed he had fallen asleep about 5min after I went upstairs with Cael. So, I ended up in bed earlier than any night in history and the kids were asleep too. the next morning Javin woke up crying because he had wanted to stay up until Midnight. Oh well there's always next year.
Hope everyone had a great 2008.