My kids are very funny!! The other day I let Javin go to the dumpster with me and help with the garbage. It was an unusually stinky day there and I told him he better hurry up so that we didn't throw up. When we got back to the car Javin said "Mom maybe it's so stinky because there are so many flies and they all pooped there" Apparently it had nothing to do with the garbage but with those stinky flies.
Amira was extremely doggy smelling the other day and I looked at Cael and told him that Amira is so stinky. A few minutes later Caellum brought me his diapers and wipes. When I asked him if he needed a bum change he nodded his head no several times and pointed at the dog. He was bringing me new diapers and wipes because I had said Amira was stinky.
Update on Javin's monster tooth. We went to the dentist and he said that because the tooth in front of the one that is coming in is loose we should just wait for that one to fall out and then the other tooth will gradually work it's way into the empty space. If the tooth hasn't fallen out by Halloween he will pull it to help in the process.
The primary program was Sunday and the kids did an excellent job. Javin always steals the show and was the only one with his part memorized. Good thing he's not shy. I will say that while I was extremely proud of the kids (all of them). It's a lot more stressful to be a part of the program than it is just watching. Caellum of course wanted to sit with me or up with Javin and wasn't' super happy that he couldn't. Ryan took his lunch break at work so he could come and we're glad he was there.
Baseball is going great and Javin is learning some important skills. I'll get more pictures on here when I can (hopefully soon). At this age they don't keep score in the games and the team who is up to bat bats until all of the kids have had a turn then they go to the next team. Pictures are tonight before the game I hope they turn out well.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Javin has a tooth growing in behind one of his front baby ones. We've been calling him monster and have been glad that he's going to the dentist on Friday for a checkup so that he can look at it. Because he has a permanent one coming in I was telling him that if the dentist decides to pull the tooth in front of it we can put it under his pillow and the tooth fairy will come. I didn't mention how much money she brings because I swear Jeffrey and Zander get like 5 dollars for every tooth and Javin will probably get like a quarter or something. Anway, on the way home from school yesterday Javin was telling me that his tooth hurt and it was wiggling. Luckily it's the one in front of the tooth coming in, so I told him that if it's loose and has a tooth behind it the dentist probably will pull the one in front. He then said "So if the dentist takes it out the tooth fairy will smell it and bring me something?" I thought it was funny but I guess how else does the tooth fairy know you lost a tooth if she doesn't smell it.
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hopefully I'm going to be adding pictures this time but it's been awhile since I've done this so I may have already forgotten. Last week Ryan's dad came to visit and the kids loved it (we loved it too). Caellum played with him like crazy and so did Javin. It was so cute to hear little Cael asking for papa first thing when he woke up. I'm glad they got to spend some one on one time together. Javin has been doing way better in school. He almost always comes home with a sticker now and is doing really well. He also has started playing t ball and loves it. At first he wasn't super excited but now he cheers when I tell him that he has a practice. Also, it means that Ryan has to get over his dislike of baseball and actually throw the ball around with him. I think it's good for them. He is excellent at hitting the ball and is getting better at throwing (Cael actually throws better) and he is even getting good at staying in his position instead of running after every single ball. They've had two practices a week for a couple of weeks now and the entire team is doing much better.
Work is going good. They've been scheduling me during the days lately so I've been doing projects instead of just cleaning up after people. I like it and I've gotten really great at ladders. I've always been a little afraid of heights but have gotten over that on a ladder. Also, Ryan has gotten us started in a Star Wars role playing game. He loves it and does his research and has found a few friends from work to come over. They come over every Thursday and so far I've been able to play too. It's fun but really I could take it or leave it, I'm just glad that I was invited. I've never role played before so maybe as I get better at it I will love it too. Anyway, I'm going to put some pictures of the boys on here playing the wii. Javin only gets to play if he got a green at school and since Caellum thinks he has to do everything Javin does he has his own special remote without batteries so he thinks he's playing but he doesn't mess anything up.
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